Donnerstag, 19. August 2010
India, north of Delhi, couchsurfing and around with the bike

I'll write in english, so most people will understand me, and if somebody doesn't, just contact me via facebook or something else.
Statue over Budhism temple in clementown
So I arrived at the airport in Delhi... finally, after more or less 15 hours travel from frankfurt, with 6hrs stop in london.
Umesh, the guy where I'm doing couchsurfing picket me up and introduced me to two of his best friends, of these I'll introduce to Beem; he is a Indian that knows 5 languages and everything about India, ranging from people, to places, food, how to move around and how to survive in the jungle.
they showed me around in the city, Ruins around where Umesh grow up. showing me everything, spicy food, chilli bars and things like how to behave and how to use indian money.

In the evening we took the bus to Clementown, 100km to the north. the buses would never be allowed to drive in europe, with rost everywhere and looking like have been caught by a train or fallen down from a plane or something like that, smashed all over, but with air condition :-). We arived 7 hours later, took a rishka (taxi with no doors or windows with 3 wheels) to Umesh home and went to rest in peace. Hamaca hanging on Ushme's house roof, in the background you see Budha temple, the coloured hanging cloth are written with tibethan prayers.
at Umesh's house, Clementown
next day Umesh and Beem showed me around in the town, a very nice town with tho budhism temples, which are very colourfull and have got a nice and good feeling athmosphere. the life is country stile,
spices everywere, fruits, veggies.... althoug most people have a bike and a phone.
Beem showed me his bike, 150cc, and let it to me for a drive. despite the fact that the trafic is like in england, left oriented (ewerithing wrong for me :-)), I got lost..... for more or less half an hour, until I found Beem again.
From that I learned that its better not to go around in a place where you don't know anything, no streets, no people, no adress where you are staying...

Next day we went to a 60km nearby town to look for a good ride for me to move around in india, because we got the conclusion that it's easier with an own bike than with public transport.
So now I'm the owner of a 250cc Karizma, very powerfull and nice. I will go with it all around India, Nepal, and maybe further on to malaysia, or I sell it and take a flight to malaysia and Indonesia.

Written the 19th august 2010

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